And behold this day, I am going to the way of all the earth: …

Joshua 23: 14

Joshua, the son of Nun said, I am soon going to the way of all the earth. This should ring like a bell in the head of every believer.

For you, that soon may be sixty, fifty, or thirty years from today. It may be less. No matter how young and vibrant you are, it’s “soon” because one day is unto the Lord like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day ( 2 Peter 3:8). How soon? most of us don’t know. One thing is certain, though it’s going to happen someday.

Now, how well will you live your life before the soon experience? What would you have achieved? What impact, mark contribution and the rest would you have made with your life here on earth?

After death, where would you spend your eternity? At death, your real you is taken out of your body, which is just like a casing or clothing for the real man. It will either glory in Heaven or suffer Torments in hell fire.

It’s only those who are born again, are filled with the spirit of God, walk in holiness and pleasing God would make it to Heaven.

Now is the acceptable day of salvation, a day to truly return to God, finish the work which God has given you to do, and a day to truly Live for Him.

If you would truly make that decision, you will never regret it in time and in eternity.


1) Thank God for the gift of life.

2) Give thanks to God for the opportunity and privilege to still amend your life and return to Him in truth and in Spirit.

3) Ask God for the grace to walk wisely, pleasing Him fully, and doing your work here on earth.

4) Ask God for the wisdom and grace to be guided and not be Carried away by things of this life.

5) Ask the Lord to purge you of all the things that will hinder you from making Heaven.

6) Begin to thank God for the privilege of answered prayers.

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